13 August 2014

The Perfect Sandal

Y'all. I've done it. I've cracked the code. Nah, not really, I've just found the perfect sandal! And I mean perfect. Introducing Gentle Souls by Kenneth Cole's Break my Heart. They are ahhhh-mazing and don't take that lately. I was first introduced to the shoe (and brand) by Victoria of Vmac & cheese.  This post completely convinced me that the slightly higher price tag was totally and completely worth it. A week in Paris wearing these sandals? And no complaints? Count me in! And they have delivered. I have serious foots to begin with and now that I work retail, I'm on my feet a lot. When I wear my gold version (still available here) my feet are pure bliss. Of course sometimes they're just tired but overall I give these shoes an A++. I'm definitely looking forward to buying more from them in the future!

You can still purchase the Break my Heart in various colors here: Zappos, Piperlime, Bloomingdales, 6PM (lowest price point!), and Gentle Souls

12 August 2014

Link Love

image (p.s. why is this so hard?!)

Nothing better than a little mid-week Link Love, right? I found some things I just couldn't wait to share with you lovely readers. Enjoy!

I've always loved Rachel Zoe. And I love her even more because who doesn't love August (read: birthday month).

Surprise! A kate spade new york surprise sale. The. Best. I scooped up this bag last year and haven't looked back since.

Every woman needs to read this. And man for that matter to understand how we feel.

Much, much needed post and reminder for new-ish bloggers, like me. Who still have no idea what the hell they're doing.

10 August 2014


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This week has been such a blessing. Excuse the absence, I celebrated my 21st birthday, welcomed my mom and two close friends into town, and ended my first ever internship. Wow, oh wow. So much goodness happened my heart was almost exploding from literal happiness. This was a week that God reminded me of what I have and to take joy in that fact. I saw these flowers on Friday morning and was reminded of the beauty in these facts. Life is good.

05 August 2014

The Perfect Color: Black

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Even though we're still in the middle of summer, I still consistently reach for black or grey in my closet. I don't know what it is but I've always had an attraction to the shade: mysterious, versatile, and easy. I popped this little number on the other day for work and felt instantly chic. Oh and my toes are currently painted neon pink but it doesn't show up in the picture - the perfect touch.

04 August 2014

The Leibster Award - Pass it On!

Hi friends! Hope y'all are doing well on this Tuesday. Here for you today I have the Liebster Award! A sweet blogging and real life friend, Emily and Dot nominated me and I was tickled. It's a fun way for bloggers to connect and showcase newer blogs with 200 followers or less! I'm loving it!

1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions provided by the person who nominated you, then create another 11 question set for the next group of nominees. 
3. Choose 11 people to nominate with under 200 followers then link them in the post
4. Let your nominees know they've been tagged!

Let's get started! 11 facts about yours truly:

1. I love Jesus. A lot. My relationship with Him is very special and although I fail constantly, I strive to live a life that honors the Lord.
2. I'm starting my senior year of college later this month. The fact that I'm a senior in college literally blows my mind (literally used correctly here).
3. I'm originally from Alabama and the glorious state will forever hold a special place in my heart.
4. I left my heart in the mountains of North Carolina many years ago and it's never left.
5. I work at Anthropologie.
6. I studied abroad this past fall (2013) in London and fell completely in love with the UK and English culture.
7. As you can tell, I fall in love with things and places and people far too often. I like to love.
8. I'm an Art History major and sitting in class never fails to excite me. I love that I love what I study.
9. I hate having my nails painted (but love the look).
10. Lipstick. I adore lipstick and red is always the appropriate color.
11. Green is my favorite color.

Now, for Emily's questions:

1. Favorite drink at a coffee shop? A Dirty Chai - chai tea latte with a shot of espresso. Trust me.
2. Favorite fashion trend going on right now? Vests, vests, vests. A perfect way to update clothes you already own!
3. If you could shop at only one store for the rest of your life what would it be? Struggled with this one and had to settle on a tie between Kate Spade and Anthropologie.
4. You have a plane ticket tomorrow for one country anywhere in the world. Where are you going? The United Kingdom. No questions.
5. If you could only have three apps on your phone (besides calling/messaging), what would you pick? Instagram, VSCOcam, and the Alarm clock!
6. Dream job? A visual manager or coordinator at Anthropologie.
7. Favorite guilty pleasure television show? It changes but currently, Dawson's Creek.
8. Favorite dessert? Strawberry cupcakes.
9. The first three websites you look at when you surf the web? Facebook (guilty as charged), Blogger, and Pinterest.
10. Where is your dream vacation? Riding up Highway 1 on the coast of California.
11. Why did you start blogging? Oh wow, so many reasons. First, I love the blogging platform and how it is a well-balanced personal relationship between the blogger and his/her readers. But, my real personal reason for starting was I wanted to contribute to our visual, stylish, and design world. I felt and still feel I have a voice ready to be heard. I'm still figuring out what this voice is and what it looks like but it's getting there!

New questions:

1. When was the last time you wrote a letter?
2. What is your favorite candy?
3. Coffee or tea?
4. Favorite season?
5. Who is your fashion icon?
6. If you could have drinks with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
7. Favorite Beyoncé song?
8. What is your favorite item of clothing you currently own?
9. What is your favorite city in the U.S.?
10. Stripes or polka dots?
11. What is your favorite flower?

I nominate,

Paulette Girl - mlleepaulettegirl
Whitney - See Eat Shop Do
Katherine L - The Green Bows
Giovanni - Hey Love
Annie - Annie Reeves, Celebrate the Little Things
Makenzie - Makenzie Emma

02 August 2014

Weekend Reading

Well hello there, friends! How are you this fine weekend? Aren't you so glad it's the weekend? I know I sure am, except, I have to work. Ah, retail. The woes. OH and happy August! August my favorite month out of the whole year: back to school excitement and shopping, awesome weather, long pool days, and... my birthday! In my world, my birthday is more than just a day and I love celebrating! So here's to a month full of celebrations! And a few links to kick it off :)

Okay, this article is a bit much but I wholeheartedly agree with it and feel as if I'm doing the same thing. Although mine is more of a slow and drawn out break-up, where I keep coming back for more.

This. tote. Exactly what I've been craving and for a good cause!

Holy moly, Victoria's Real Life: 30 Things I've Learned in 30 Years - a must read by all.

An awesome post from Corals + Cognacs on How to Take Better Instagram photos.

Need house inspiration? Check out my Pinterest! I have boards divided into bed, bath, home office, and house + home. Have at it!

Happy weekend loves!
Kent Brewster's pin on Pinterest.