03 January 2017

2017 Goals

Well, its been a long time since I've posted on this little blog of mine but I thought it was high-time. Actually I've been thinking a lot about goals and New Years Resolutions since imagine that, it's January 3rd! I'm not a huge fan of resolutions but I think it's important to set a few goals every now and then. I learned this practice while at Camp Greystone and have tried to instill it ever since. Now it can be very difficult to keep track of your goals but what better way to do so then record them on the internet? (lolz, it's definitely 2017.) I started a 101 in 1001 list (a la Mackenzie Horan) and while it was fun to do, I felt my goals were too specific and didn't translate well as my life changed dramatically since I originally wrote the list. With that said, I've compiled my 2017 goals below. Some are new, some are taken from my 101 in 1001 list, but they're new goals to me nonetheless!

  • Exercise 3 times a week
  • Read 3 books a month (for a minimum total of 36 total books this year) and keep a record.
  • Make 10 p.m. my regular bedtime and wake up consistently between 6-7 a.m. everyday.
  • Find and secure a full-time job in my desired field.
  • Travel to 1 new place. My top 2 choices include Washington D.C. and Chicago.
  • Establish my calligraphy business.
  • Go camping with friends or my dad.
Kent Brewster's pin on Pinterest.