17 June 2014

New Find: Rack It Up

Okay, I found another addiction. I've been wanting something other than Pinterest to curate lists and keep track of things that I want. Most of the time I don't end up buying anything I find online: that might be because of my nonexistent budget or maybe because I forget about literally everything I pin or bookmark. Cue, Rack It Up, the perfect destination/app for people like me. It works similar to Pinterest with a "bookmarklet" on your browser's tab. When you find something you like you simply click and store for later! If that wasn't enough, it will alert you when your items go on sale. Yes, you read that right. Not only does it serve as the perfect online wish list but it's also helping you save money. I'm looking forward to seeing how this relationship plays out. Enjoy!

p.s. I got really excited about this and only made it through the J.Crew website with the app. Whoops.

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Kent Brewster's pin on Pinterest.